Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Three Tips On Article Marketing

By George Watson

Article marketing is a very powerful way to build your home business and earn money on the Internet. Submit articles to increase your website traffic through improved search engine ranking from the many high quality links back to your site from from article submission directories, and also to get your name out as an expert in your field.

To make the most of your time, your article marketing strategy should include these following steps:

1. Your author box: In every article you submit to the directories, you add an author resource box at the end which will make visitors want to visit your site, read more and eventually buy something. This is a quick blurb about you as an author, including your name with links to your website. Increase clickthroughs by telling about your free ebook or free newsletter.

2. Website content: Make your articles interesting and practical. Readers should be drawn in so much that they want to know more about the topic enough to visit your website once they reach your bio box. You can write about your product or service, discuss products or say how to use a piece of software. Helpful tips, advice and instructions about how to use what you are selling goes a lot way toward building trust with your reader. When there is trust, sales will follow!

3. Distribution: There are dozens of article submission directories you can use to submit your articles manually. This is free but is very time consuming and your time and effort could be used on other important things that you have to do by hand like managing your Pay Per Click campaigns.

A much better option is to use an article submission service like ArticleMarketer which automatically submits, tracks and reports on all the relevant article submission directories and article lists it submits to, depending on your membership level. Article submission software is usually limited and tends to break and take time to manage.

Use an article submission service that auto submits to both directories and lists. With directories you get quality back links to your website from the directory as well as by webmasters who use your article on their sites. Lists wont get you a back link but have the potential of getting your article on hundreds or even thousands of quality websites who all give you a quality back link.

These back links give your website a ton of clout in the search engines by helping you increase Page Rank in Google and improve your position in just about all search engines

You can write your own articles or have someone else write them for you. Some affiliate marketing programs give you on topic articles you can use to rewrite and submit to article submission directories for high quality targeted traffic.

Your articles should be unique. Rewrite articles and add in your own ideas to make a brand new article. Using your own ideas and rewritten content will help you stay avoid penalty by having duplicate content that will never stay in the search engine index.

If you write an article for your website that you want to submit, write a copy of it for the article submission directories. If another website wants to use your article, they still have to place a link back to your site and more links will help your search engine ranking and traffic.

George Watson is a successful Affiliate marketer and author. Read more to discover more tips about article marketing at his Earn Cash On The Internet Blog and his Online Affiliate Marketing website.

Article Source:

Digg Google Bookmarks reddit Mixx StumbleUpon Technorati Yahoo! Buzz DesignFloat Delicious BlinkList Furl

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